Art for a different kind of season.
The Stay Home Advent Project ran May 22 through July 6, 2020, unlocking bite-sized multimedia art on a regular basis so that we could open something nice together, be reminded of what day it was, and maybe feel a little less alone.
We’re back at work on our December calendar now, but the art below will remain available for you to revisit and share. Make sure you’re signed up for our email list, and we’ll talk to you in the winter.

Our contributors donate their work so that they can make a difference for other artists. If you like the work you see below and have the means, we ask that you make a donation to , a relief fund for artists who have lost work due to COVID-19.
This Must Be the Place SmallhoundsJuly 6
That Nate HetheringtonJuly 3
Be Good Evan W. StonerJune 29
Morpe + Storkis Give You the Numbers Steve Tartaglione & Jessy Lauren SmithJune 26
How to Do Calligraphy with Basic Tools Emily SanfordJune 22
Passion at the World's Bottom, A Love Absorbent: Episode 3 Amy CarverJune 19
Passion at the World’s Bottom, A Love Absorbent: Episode 2 Amy CarverJune 15
Passion at the World's Bottom, A Love Absorbent: Episode 1 Amy CarverJune 1
Missing Link Jonathan BaudeMay 29
Creative Calm Lauren NiemchickMay 25
94.7 WOWS: COVID WATCH! Werner and MarkovichMay 22